The future mobility points out new ways to move from one point to another, but the best of all is that it shows a sustainable side totally necessary in current times where the planet suffers the consequences of the tons of carbon dioxide emitted annually as a result of gasoline or diesel consumption.
Therefore, several car manufacturers are betting on a wide range of hydrogen fuel cell to contribute to this necessary restructuration. Toyota is a pioneer in this sector, Hyundai is also involved and even Renault through its HYVIA program.
HYVIA represents the hydrogen green ecosystem developed by Renault to power vehicles with this environmentally friendly fuel, as well as its storage and distribution. “HY” stands for hydrogen, “VIA” for road, which represents a complete “hydrogen road” that comes to the market by the French brand in collaboration with Plug Power.

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HYVIA: Renault’s new sustainable plan
HYVIA offers a solution in terms of mobility and sustainable transport by making available to its customers three types of commercial vehicles, with hydrogen refueling stations to positively impact the Earth, without leaving aside the need of commercial and industrial customers to transport goods of any kind.
The three vehicles mentioned above offer a variety of options dedicated to different sectors. The first one is a van-type car with 12 square meters of storage space, the second is 19 square meters, while the last one is a small bus with a transport capacity of 15 people.

This minibus has a 300 kilometer autonomy and will be named Master Citybus H2-TECH, designed to meet transportation needs. On the other hand, the vans will be able to travel up to 250 and 500 kilometers of autonomy, respectively. In addition, Plug Power will produce, store and distribute green hydrogen as a complete package of this type of sustainable fuel.
Written by | Ronald Ortega