Extreme E arrived in 2021 as a 100% electric off-road category. Large vehicles competing against each other on imposing stages around the world. However, behind the action lies a noble goal that has managed to reach millions of households around the world, raising awareness and above all, bringing about changes in attitudes and lifestyles.
It is not a game when it is stated that the planet suffers the consequences of an accelerated way of life that threatens it. Garbage, pollution and destruction of natural habitats occur frequently, leading to a single consequence: an increase in global temperature that intensifies climate change. In view of this, initiatives such as Extreme E’s take on an important value.
During its inaugural campaign, the division created by Alejandro Agag visited Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Greenland, Italy and the United Kingdom. At each site a footprint was left where to initiate a change in favor of the recovery of the Earth using motorsport as a transmission tool for information.
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Extreme E 2021 Action Highlights
- Acacia Nilotica plantations
- Posidonia Oceanica
- Mangrove plantation
These actions marked Extreme E’s 2021 at the sustainability level. But beyond the physical actions, reaching out to these severely affected places, showing how they really are and spreading the word about their reality were one of the most important steps on the road to reducing environmental temperature.
Xite Energy Racing also Left its Mark

With big names and sports personalities to turn heads, the electrified division used the ODYSSEY 21 as a voice tool to generate positive awareness change. In Greenland, it touched the hearts of a group of children who had to watch class with a diesel-powered energy source, polluting non-stop until the series came along and put up solar panels, hand in hand with the Xite Energy Racing team.
Written by | Ronald Ortega